04 Jan Agile Delivery Cycle2 By mona 0 comment Welcome to the Agile Maturity Assessment You will go through a set of questions about the process and behaviors in your work. Please answer the questions considering the company or the team you are working in currently Also please make sure to choose the answer that is closer to what happens actually at your company or team 1 [Delivery Cycle] How are your technical teams structured ? We have departements, communicate through team leaders We form teams of different roles per project/ task We have cross-functional teams/Squads We have development teams all together , but testing is another department 2 [Delivery Cycle] How often do you release new features live on production ? Weekly 2 weeks 1 month 3 months 3 [Delivery Cycle] What is the average size of your features/ addons ? New modules Enhancements New Features 4 [Delivery Cycle] When you release a new feature, how many new bugs are discovered on production? None 1 to 3 3 to 7 more than 7 5 [Delivery Cycle] How often do you roll back a release ? Every time Less than Once every 3 releases Less than Once every 10 releases 6 [Delivery Cycle] How do your team members consider their work done ? When they finish their task. When the development and integration are finished. When the bugs are fixed When the feature is deployed. 7 [Delivery Cycle] How often do you release critical bugs/ hot-fixes on production ? Multiple times a week They are deployed with upcoming feature releases Planned when needed 1 out of 5 8 [Requirements Engineering] Do requirements change while your team is still working on a feature? Always but minor changes Always we have dramatic changes Sometimes we have dramatic changes Sometimes we have minor changes Never 9 [Requirements Engineering] How do you deliver requirements to your team? By mail Verbally By Tickets on your system(JIRA/AZURE) We have a process of explaining and documenting 10 [Requirements Engineering] How confident are you that your team is working on the highest priority? Very confident Most of the time Don’t know Everything is a priority Sometimes 11 [Requirements Engineering] How often do you deliver a feature then discover that this is not what your customer wants? After releasing 1 week work After releasing one month work After releasing a 3 months work At the end of the project 12 [Requirements Engineering] When a team starts working on a feature, how sliced it is? We slice big features by function (ex. Frontend / Backend) We slice big features to small user stories We discover they are big while working on them. 2 out of 5 13 [Planning and Estimation] How often do you change your plan ? Always Often We don't plan Never 14 [Planning and Estimation] How do you estimate new features? Team leader puts the estimates in days The team puts the estimates in days/hours We refer to team history 15 [Planning and Estimation] How accurate is the estimating process ? We do not do estimates 20% to 50% accurate 50% to 80% accurate 80% to 100% accurate 16 [Planning and Estimation] Do you keep history of team actual time taken for features? No, we don't have this information We are trying to do this Yes 3 out of 5 17 [Culture and Mindset] How does your team react when the requirements change ? Indifferent They get mad/sad , they don't want to change their code The understand and show the cost of change They are frustrated because we may redo the work 18 [Culture and Mindset] Do your team members have an opinion on requirements? No Sometimes, only senior ones Yes, they have good input 19 [Culture and Mindset] What happens when the team faces a problem ? Live with it Escalate to management Blame each other Discuss it and find a solution. 20 [Culture and Mindset] What happens when the requirements are not technically feasible? We know this when we get blocked The team leader checks it in the planning phase The team checks this in the planning phase 21 [Culture and Mindset] Who makes technical decisions ? The team leader The team 22 [Culture and Mindset] What happens when a team member has a new idea for improvement ? We don’t know about team ideas He shares it with his colleagues. He shares it with management. We have a process for suggestions. 23 [Culture and Mindset] Who assigns tasks for the team? Management The team leader. Team members 24 [Culture and Mindset] Who puts estimates for new features? We have deadlines not estimates Management The team leader The team members themselves. 25 [Culture and Mindset] How do your team behave in meetings ? They say that meetings are a waste of time. They only listen in meetings They participate in discussions , but get to side discussions. They participate in discussions and output of the meeting. 4 out of 5 26 [Technical Practices] Do you have source control management (github/ bitbucket)? No Yes but not all the team have access Yes , all the team commits the code to it. 27 [Technical Practices] How often does the team commit their code changes to source control? Never Once every release Weekly Daily Every Couple of Weeks 28 [Technical Practices] How do you maintain technical knowledge between your team members? Each team member is responsible for a module. We share technical design We do pair programming on some features. 29 [Technical Practices] Do you document your technical design and decisions ? No Sometimes Yes, always 30 [Technical Practices] How do you maintain code quality ? We value delivery and timelines more Sometimes the team leader/Senior does code review We do peer code review sometimes We have a process of code reviews 31 [Technical Practices] How do you manage testing servers? Testing is done on production/live We test locally on developer machine, then on production/live We have a production like environment to test on 32 [Technical Practices] How do you manage deployment to production/live? We update files manually We have an automated process of Continuous Integration We have an automated process for Continuous Delivery 5 out of 5 Please leave your email Time is Up! Time's up Related Share: mona You may also like ؟ Agile Expert ليه مهم نطبق مع September 11, 2022 by mona in Agile in Action ليه مهم تطبق ال Agile مع حد عنده خبره في التطبيق ( Agile Expert) ؟ ناس... How to form a Scrum Team ? Scrum تكوين فريق September 10, 2022 Agile Estimation and Planning March 12, 2022